APR Register


APR is seeking women with epilepsy, or other women taking antiepileptic medications, who are pregnant or have recently given birth, to help us understand the effects of these medications on the mother and developing baby during pregnancy.

If you, in the last 20 months:

• took an antiepileptic medication during pregnancy for any reason, or

• have epilepsy and did not take medications during pregnancy, or

• took antiepileptic medications during pregnancy and experienced an alternative pregnancy outcome, or

• have epilepsy, did not take medications during pregnancy and experienced an alternative pregnancy outcome;

we would appreciate you participating in this research study and sharing your experience.

Please fill in your details below and a research nurse from the Australian Pregnancy Register will contact you within one week.

*Signifies mandatory fields

If you have any queries or for more information, please phone 1800 069 722 or e-mail apr@mh.org.au.


Phone Call
Text message
Planning a pregnancy
Currently pregnant
Post pregnancy
Self Referral
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